Sunday, December 29, 2019

High Income And Minority School Essay - 1191 Words

Michigan’s students perform near the bottom in national rankings and are on a downward trajectory (Higgins). This is partially a result of curricula throughout the state of Michigan failing to put students in a position to succeed. Many school districts and teachers struggle with developing curricula and lesson plans given time and budget constraints; this is especially prevalent in low-income and minority school districts where teachers are younger and less experienced (French). A prime example of curricula hurting student achievement is a story told at a Michigan ISD assessment and improvement representative meeting of schools â€Å"teaching† by having students copy words out of the dictionary as the teacher did not have the skills/capacity/time to create a better lesson. Alarmingly, this type of experience is common as â€Å"there’s no support, you’re woefully unprepared, and you’re totally isolated. You’re trying to put these lesson plan s together at 10 o’clock at night, and you have to be up at 5 getting prepped. You’re making this curriculum up as you’re going it alone.† (French). All of this in the face of ever changing state standards forcing teachers to constantly change their curricula. On top of this anecdotal evidence, there is also research showing curricula play a larger role on student achievement than state/federal standards and that when curricula is substandard, intervention can have the same impact as replacing a poorly performing teacher with one who is highShow MoreRelatedSocioeconomic Status And Race : The Role Of Teachers And Staff Members Of Urban High Schools1732 Words   |  7 Pagesof Urban High Schools Introduction A study conducted by Miller, Rainie, Purcell, Mitchell, Rosenstiel (2012), for the Pew Research Center, evaluated different community types—including urban, suburban, small town and rural communities—on various measures, including education levels, income levels and racial and ethnic makeup of their populations. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Debate Over Same Sex Marriage - 1555 Words

For years on end, same-sex marriage has been a topic of controversy. It has always been an on-going argument; there is the for-side and there is the against-side. There are many arguments for each side but which side has the most convincing argument? Maybe some of these arguments can be debunked. There needs to be a discussion about the holes in arguments and which side is the most convincing. The history of same-sex marriage was anti-climatic for a long time. It seemed that for too many years it was frowned upon, banned, and ultimately seen as disgraceful. â€Å"On May 18, 1970, two University of Minnesota students, Richard John Jack Baker and James Michael McConnell applied to Hennepin County District Court clerk Gerald Nelson for a†¦show more content†¦Those opposed to it came up with far-fetched arguments and went to extensive lengths to rid the USA of same-sex marriage. Their extensive lengths being abuse against the LGBT+ community, rallying at public hearings, and continuing to treat gay people as animals. Those opposed to same-sex marriage have come up with many arguments that do not really have any thought behind them. One of their arguments is, â€Å"Same-sex marriage is against my religion.† Religion is to be respected but how many people have not read the Bible front to back. The Bible has spoken against many other things, but these things are excused every day. â€Å"The Bible says that you can execute people for cheating on their spouses [...] The Bible also says that you can keep slaves† (10 Reasons). People have decided to pick and choose which parts of the Bible they want to follow. This argument has been continuously used over the years. Religion has often been used as a scapegoat for abuse against the LGBT+ community. Religion should be hope, support, and faith†¦ not inhumanity, violence, and discrimination. Another argument often used is, â€Å"Marriage has always been between man and woman.† This is the common â€Å"we-cannot-break-tradition† argument. Over the years, we have broken tradition many times. One example would be discrimination against black people. It was considered â€Å"tradition† for white people to own black slaves†¦ do we still follow this tradition? No, because it

Friday, December 13, 2019

Define Functional Organizations and Product Organization Free Essays

Functional Organizations This is the traditional type of organization. Under functional departments, employees with closely related skills and responsibilities (functions) are located in the same department. Workers in each of these functions specialized in their tasks and knowledge. We will write a custom essay sample on Define Functional Organizations and Product Organization or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example, senior management set rules and procedures as how to transfer the sales orders into the production schedule, how the customer service deal with complaints and warranty issues. They also have large input in the production process. The main advantage of functional organization is efficiency. It works best in small to medium-sized firms that offer relatively few product lines or services. Example of this functional organization will be for a company that manufactured outdoor BBQ stoves. The Sales people get the orders from the customers; the orders are transfer to the production department for production. Products are made and shipping department ships them to customers. Each department is rated by their department performance. Quality department could delay shipment if they feel the product is not meeting specification, affecting Sales target and their commission. Product Organizations Product organizations are formed based on a particular product, or service. Each of these departments can operate fairly autonomously. A key advantage is better coordination and fewer barriers to communication among the functional specialists who work on a particular product. , Therefore, able to response to customers in a timely way. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that product-oriented departments might actually work at cross purposes. For Example, Toyota has a luxury high end line of automobiles called Lexus in addition to their Toyota Brand. Dealer either sells Toyota or Lexus but not both. Each dealer has the same Sales and Service department. The logic behind this split is Toyota management believe the customers who buy the Lexus brand are more affluent and demand higher and better service. How to cite Define Functional Organizations and Product Organization, Papers